Success,defined for a demanding coming new era (2019 onward).
Gone are the days where a stereotype of the ambitious, competitive and ruthless climber to the top comes to mind when we think of success.
In a new era of interconnectionwith focus on building reliable and insightful networks in consideration of the long-term impact on others and our environment, the emphasis has shifted to moralaction, now redefining our concept of success.
What are the elements of success then, reviewed and concentrated?
1. Sound decision making remain vital to the program
2. A Healthy Perceptionwith focus on concentrating intuition and insight creating the ability to:
· Open up to a stream of new ideas and solutions for problem solvers and decision makers
· Attention to detail without distractions when challenged or in crisis situations
· Strong coping skills in stressful situations
· Being able to read a situation ahead of others
· Not easily distracted by disapproval it values and scrutinize criticism for it benefits to improve outcomes
· Emotional resilience to bounce back after setbacks.
3. A strong sense of selfas functional in and as part of an interconnectedworld and community.
4. Sufficient mental and physical energy
5. Vital for this is good mental and physicalHealth
Our approach is to focus on the genome/epigenome and perception as interlinked and interactive within the environment where it has to operate as the main interface to obtain our goals.
Using new and updated understanding of our evolutionary biology, physiology and the rapidly growing fileds of genomics and epigenomics, the science of evolution has itself evolved. In as much as “survival of the fittest” has been used to justify harsh, competition behaviour on the part of individuals and corporations, an updated understanding of evolution now tends to tell us a different more principled story. From this we learnt that written into the code of our DNA and RNA is a guide for telling us how to evolve morally, act wisely and heal ourselves physically and mentally. As a result, improve our world and progress our epistemology in regained understanding. From such new understanding then also emerges new Spheres of Perception…
The health of this network when following certain principled interactions can result not only in achieving almost any realistic goal but is easily adjustable to adapt to any changes needed along the way.
Amazingly it also teaches the principle to interconnect the body to self-heal and prevent ageing.
Aimed at the genome and its epigenome it is fully aware of the interconnection with the environment as a modifier and director of outcomes.
The environment is broadly divided into:
· Chemical exposure
· Drugs
· Nutrition
· Exercise
· Perception (cognition) – emphasis is placed on the damaging effect of stress here.
In summary:
With evolutionary biology as a model and a deep new understanding of our health interlinked to a more flexible DNA, Spheres of Perception is a unique new method assisted by sound philosophical reasoning to gain control over your destiny and health without hurting those around you or the environment.
Those that may benefit from this program are:
· Directors and CEO’s (in challenging times with their repute under much scrutiny)
· Policymakers
· Teachers and educators - tertiary level
· Medical practitioners, Veterinarians
· Work place designers
· Legal professionals
· Program developers
· Research workers in the social sciences and healthcare
What we offer group sessions, conference talks.
There is also an exclusive private one on one program at select private residences or our villa in New Zealand.
Recommended reading before attendance – Spheres of Perception
Any queries around this at times complex text may be explained during these sessions.
Note the private sessions are run exclusively by the author of Spheres of Perception Dr Theo Holtzhausen. Other sessions may have other highly trained professionals introducing the program.